Thursday, November 12, 2015

STC006: Flash S2E06 Arrow S4E06 and Supergirl S1E03

Spoiler Alert. This podcast covers the most recent episode of the CW DC universe. If you are not current with Flash, Arrow, or Legends of Tomorrow and don't wish to be spoiled, we'll still be here when you get caught up!

Otherwise Matt takes look at Flash S2E06 "Enter Zoom" and Arrow S4E06 "Lost Souls". After the end music Matt also gives his impressions of Supergirl S1E03 "Fight or Flight"

We want to hear from you about episodes each week! Call 314-669-1840 to leave a voicemail, or send an email to or tweet @savethiscitypod.

Find all back episodes, polls, contact and social media information, and podcatcher links (please leave a written review for the podcast on whatever podcatcher you use) at


Thursday, November 5, 2015

STC005: Flash S2E05 Arrow S4E05 and Supergirl S1E01-02

Spoiler Alert. This podcast covers the most recent episode of the CW DC universe. If you are not current with Flash, Arrow, or Legends of Tomorrow and don't wish to be spoiled, we'll still be here when you get caught up!

Otherwise Matt is joined by Kamille (@LadyOddity on twitter) to look at Flash S2E05 "Darkness and The Light" and Arrow S4E05 "Haunted". After the end music Matt also gives his impressions of Supergirl Episodes 1 and 2 "Pilot" and "Stronger Together"

We want to hear from you about episodes each week! Call 314-669-1840 to leave a voicemail, or send an email to or tweet @savethiscitypod.

Find all back episodes, polls, contact and social media information, and podcatcher links (please leave a written review for the podcast on whatever podcatcher you use) at


Den of Geek Comic Book Easter Eggs for Supergirl: